A wide variety of VCE, VCAL & VET subjects are available to our students through normal delivery at school. Other subjects are available through video-conferencing with neighbouring colleges, in attendance at SWTafe and through the Distance Education Centre.
VCE subjects offered at Mortlake include Accounting, Agricultural Studies, Art, Biology, Business Management, Chemistry, Drama, English, Equine Studies, Environmental Science, Food & Technology, Geography, Human Development, History, Information Technology, Software Development, Legal Studies, Literature, Mathematics, Physical Education, Physics, Product Design and Technology, Psychology, Systems Engineering and Theatre Studies. As part of our extension and academic rigour program, Year 10 students, and academically accelerated Year 9 students are encouraged to either undertake at least one Year 11 VCE or VCAL subject or start a VET Certificate or School Based New Apprenticeship.
Students selecting VCE, VET, SBA and VCAL options will be involved in an extensive counselling process to ensure that each individual student is studying the course most appropriate to their own strengths and needs.
AT the end of Year 12, successful VCE students will receive their VCE certificate and those who sit the external exams will receive an ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) score. This ATAR score is used by most colleges and universities around Australia to determine which students they will accept.
Successful VCAL students receive their VCAL Certificate at the end of each year. At the end of Year 11, the VCAL certificate is either at the Foundation or Intermediate Level depending on the program selected by the student. Similarly, at the end of Year 12, the VCAL certificate is either at the Intermediate or Senior Level depending on the program selected by the student. Some students will be eligible to receive both the VCE Certificate and a VCAL Certificate if they have successfully completed the right combination of studies.